Gay Head (Aquinnah) Lighthouse

Lighthouse #2

Location: Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

Time Visited: June 6, 2021 around noon

Built: 1799

It was a beautiful adventure on Martha’s Vineyard…but way too short. We didn’t get to make it right up close but the beauty of the place and the amazing company we were with makes it a certified signature on the list.

Lighthouse Shout Out

This one goes to Mark Bradshaw. He is an MV expert and directed us around the island. I love how Mark lives his life. Having been his friend for nearly 4 decades I have gotten to see firsthand his accounting balance sheet exterior matched with his musical sweet interior and just how wonderfully God made him. His humor and brilliance make the world a wonderful place. Thanks for being Gwen and my lighthouse Mark!


Montauk Point Lighthouse


Key West Lighthouse