Key West Lighthouse

Lighthouse #1

Location: Key West, Florida

Time: March 2, 2021, around 11 AM

Built: 1848

We loved Key West. I think it was a combination of Hemingway's 6-toed cats and the spirit of adventure (and sadness) he brought to life. You could close your eyes, visualize it and transport yourself back to years before. Between the lighthouse, sunsets, and a sense of freedom that Key West brought this was a great lighthouse, to begin with. Anything is possible.

Lighthouse Shout Out

This one goes to Elizabeth Williams. She let us talk over and over about the Key West adventure and lighthouse. Even though we did it too many times she loved every story and detail. Ok, maybe not all the time, but what she does do all the time is light up the world.

Her smile is electric and she uses it to grace adventure at every turn. She understands the value of persistent work and the joy that comes from giving it her all. She likes good subs and our good God. She doesn’t always love cheesy lines like that but she does like a well-portioned cheesy sub…especially Italian.

Key West Lighthouse has all the things that make up Elizabeth…adventure, friendship, and strength. She shines so bright!


Gay Head (Aquinnah) Lighthouse