Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse

Lighthouse #5

Location: New Castle, New Hampshire next to Fort Constitution

Date Visited: July 14, 2021

First lit 1771

Sometimes you have to work to get to the lighthouse. That is life as it is not always easy to shine when you have rocks and closed gates to navigate. That is what is actually where the fun is as we overcome expectations with persistence and new not-predicted outcomes. Welcome to Portsmouth in a beautiful ride through town to discover closed access but a walk along the rocky shore to see this historic jewel.


Lighthouse Shout Out

This one goes to Jim and Barbara Williams.

My dad and mom have taught me everything about persistence and purpose. They live their life not in the spotlight but in the day to day love of always encouraging, loving and demonstrating faith and availability. Always shining. Always available. Always with a foundation of more to this world than this world. They have seen this world top to bottom but always a presence in leading our family in the small things that is everything.


Celerain Lighthouse


Portland Head Lighthouse