Celerain Lighthouse

Lighthouse #6

Location: Southern tip of Cozumel at Punta Sur

Date Visited: October 4, 2021

Opened 1934

The ride to this lighthouse is amazing as you move to uncharted territory. You're treated with great access and a fun walk to the top of the lighthouse. Its bright white blends in with the surrounding perfectly and the view from the top is small but vast.

Lighthouse Shout Out

This one goes to Jim and Barbara Williams.

My dad and mom have taught me everything about persistence and purpose. They live their life not in the spotlight but in the day to day love of always encouraging, loving and demonstrating faith and availability. Always shining. Always available. Always with a foundation of more to this world than this world. They have seen this world top to bottom but always a presence in leading our family in the small things that is everything.


Old Point Loma Lighthouse


Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse