Everyone needs a great adventure

it may be skydiving or it may be watching all the episodes of Yellowstone. Those are neither of mine. I will never skydive and I only made it through half an episode of Yellowstone. Maybe I will pick it back up but until then I will be working on finding 100 Lighthouses around the world.

You see everything they represent is beautiful to me. These beacons of light have helped folks navigate rocky, rough waters. They don’t run from the weather but shine in the weather. They look for people to help and serve.

I believe this is what we can be for each other when we lean into love and kindness. Not people that always need to get rid of the challenge, adversity, or work of life. Those are part of life but how we can encourage and lift up each other during these seasons. God’s light shines the brightest in this darkness and none of this is easy. But boy is it beautiful when we do. We can discover a ton about the world, our creator, and ourselves.


Lighthouses are full of grit and grind. So join us if you would like as we go on an adventure to spend time with 100 Lighthouses. I am not sure where this will lead and we are not trying to conquer them all in a short time. Some lighthouses we see may make the list of 100 while others may make honorable mention.

But let's lift up love and kindness all along this adventure...wherever it takes us. Even as storms come and go.

Kevin and Gwen

We're just getting started…

Dedicated to Elizabeth Williams

Dedicated to Mark Bradshaw

Dedicated to Kate Williams

Dedicated to Brad Williams

Dedicated to Jim and Barbra Williams

Dedicated to Jim and Barbra Williams

Dedicated to Hayden Holcomb